The Big Con

by digby

Hey, everyone. Bring out the welcome wagon for my pal, the great writer Rick Perlstein, and his new blog for the Campaign For America's Future.

Rick has been working on his latest book, "Nixonland" for the last couple of years, some excerpts of which I've been privileged to host here on this humble little site. Now that it's finished, among other things, he's going to be delighting us daily with his sparkling prose and keen insight.

There is just nobody around who knows more about what makes the conservative movement tick and how they influence our culture and politics than Perlstein. Now that the ground is shifting a bit, we need his unique knowledge of their sneaky ways (as well as his passionate progressive politics.) Old conservatives never die you know, they just crawl in their coffins and wait for sundown.

Go read this great post about the "E Coli Conservatives" (a keeper, if I ever heard one) --- and say hello.
