Keeping It Straight

by digby

This column by Eric Boehlert is worth bookmarking or otherwise keeping handy as you confront the reflexive up-is-downism of the right when it comes to matters of established fact. In this case, Boehlert does us all a favor and lays out all the ways in which the Swift Boat Liars were discredited and rebutted in response to Powerline's ridiculous assertion that they were telling the truth.

I have been coming across a lot of statements lately saying "they were right" and it's only a matter of time before it makes its way into the mainstream going into 2008. Just the other day, NY Magazine referred to the VoteVets organization as a "Swift Boat veterans" of the left, which is complete nonsense: the VoteVets haven't pushed any bogus smear campaigns against anyone.

Just keep it handy. It's going to be needed.
