Not Today

by digby

This massacre in WestVirginia is so terrible I can hardly watch the footage. There's nothing much to say at the moment, and the immediate second guessing and criticisms are making me see red.

I find it especially distasteful that the denizens of the right are immediately launching into political polemics saying that this wouldn't have happened if the students had been armed. That argument is always specious and never more than on a day like today. Sure this shooter might not have been able to kill so many people if someone had killed him first but somebody innocent would still be dead.

Today these people need to STFU. You might believe that an unfettered constitutional right to bear arms is embedded in the constitution (a belief I actually share) but it's just wrong to downplay what a lethal goddamned right it is. Nobody wants to hear sermons about how many fewer kids would have been shot to death today on that campus if only there had been more guns around. Not before the bodies have even been counted. Not today.
