Boondoggle Alert

by tristero

Call me cynical about the Bush administration, if you like. I can take it. But this sounds like an open invitation for porkers to feed at the public trough while keeping criticism muted because, well, no one would dream of criticizing Bush for actually doubling the funding of overseas AIDS spending to $30 billion.

What makes me so suspicious? It's this little line from Our Leader, embedded in perhaps the dumbest sentence published by the New York Times in at hour or two:
“This money will be spent wisely,” Mr. Bush said in the White House Rose Garden, where the brilliant sunshine and the music of birds seemed incongruous, given the seriousness of the subject.
That's right. Bush actually said, “This money will be spent wisely.” If that ain't a tipoff, I dunno what is. Remember "We do not torture"?

For those of you who even now, give the Bush administration the benefit of a doubt - after we learned that we do indeed torture, after all those reported helicopter crashes due to "mechanical failure" rather than missile attacks - fair warning: Your faith in God's Own Codpiece is misplaced. Bush is up to no good here.

My guess is that within 2 years the stories of corruption will ooze out. Maybe it'll go to some utterly useless chastity programs jointly run by Newt Gingrich and Mark Foley. Maybe it'll be a "get in touch with your inner hetero" program spearheaded by Ted Haggard. Or some Aids drug rehab scam that enriches the already enriched Rush Limbaugh. Or maybe it'll be just plain old theft and fraud. Or all of the above.

Whatever, the pigs are squeaking expectantly today, 'cause soon they're gonna be well-fed, courtesy you and me.