I Heart Henry

by digby

Republicans have accused Waxman of partisan pettiness, to which he responded that during the Clinton administration Republicans issued more than 1,000 subpoenas. "They were the ones who politicized oversight," he said in an interview. "When Clinton was president, there wasn't an accusation too small for them to rush out and hold hearings. When Bush became president, there wasn't a scandal too large for them to ignore."

Waxman is my congressman and makes me proud every time I cast my vote for him. This is the proper way to respond. You don't get defensive and try to explain yourself when the accusation is coming from people so over-filled with phony sanctimony that it must be difficult for them to even keep from floating straight off the ground. You throw it right back on the hypocritical bastards where it belongs.

As I have written many times, we didn't create this fetid political swamp, we just live in it. And the only way to drain it is to hold these people accountable so they don't do it again --- and that means all of it, including the partisan witchhunts, impeachments and character assassination they engaged in with such glee.

No Kumbaaya, no "let bygones be bygones" and no "moving forward" until we've settled this. Zombie conservatism only looks dead. Let's make sure we drive a stake through its heart this time.

Update: oh, and by the way, in case you think the flip-flopping charge would work against any of the Republicans, think again. The press have declared the issue dead since all the Republicans are flip-floppers, so it's not a useful issue anymore. Indeed, it's now called "evolving."

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who is supporting Romney in the presidential race, said that he struggled when he arrived in Congress in 1999 with trying to reconcile lessons learned in the private sector with votes he was taking on the floor of the House and, as a result, some of his policy stances evolved over the years.

DeMint said Romney had been far more consistent than he had been portrayed by the media. On abortion, DeMint said that Romney's "values have always been the same" and that when Romney "saw his political position was out of sync with his personal values, he changed it."

They are completely beyond embarrassment or shame, aren't they?
