I have to admit, I'm puzzled by the reaction in some corners to what seemed like one of the more amusing and lighthearted moments of last night's debate.
NPR's Michel Martin asked the candidates, "[W]hat is the plan to stop and to protect these young people from this scourge?" When it was Joe Biden's turn, the senator suggested the key to combating AIDS is prevention: "I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There's no shame in being tested for AIDS. It's an important thing."
The audience laughed nervously. When Biden was done with his answers, Obama, smiling, interjected.
It honestly didn't occur to me that he was making a big point that he wasn't gay. I thought he was making a big point that he was faithful to his wife. I even thought it may have been a little jab at Hillary --- or at the very least was a continuation of the Obamas' little "Honeymooner's" sit-com routine. (She's always talking about him being a slob and how she has to pick up his socks etc.)OBAMA: Tavis, Tavis, Tavis, I just got to make clear -- I got tested with Michelle. (Laughter, applause.)
OBAMA: In -- when we were in Kenya in Africa. So I don't want any confusion here about what's going on. (Applause continues.)
SMILEY: All right.
BIDEN: And I got tested to save my life, because I had 13 pints of blood transfusion.
OBAMA: I was tested with my wife.
SMILEY: And I'm sure Michelle appreciates you clarifying it.
OBAMA: In public. (Laughter.)