Throwing The Brick

by digby

A friend recently told me that his daughter had given him a "bad call brick" --- a sponge that looks like a brick that you throw at the TV when an umpire makes a bad call. (This was done, I assume, to stop more dangerous projectiles from being hurled, like a shoe --- or the family dog.) I really need one of those, especially when I hear John McCain appearing before a liberal audience and getting cacophonous applause for saying:

JM: Well, let me just tell you. I'd close Guantanamo Bay and I'd declare we never torture another person in American custody.

Uh uh. You'd think he would feel that way because he'd been tortured and understood what an immoral and counterproductive way it is to get intelligence or create propaganda. He's been there. But sadly, John McCain sold his soul last year when he helped the Bush administration pass that legislative abortion known as the Military Commissions act which actually legalized torture and withdrew habeas corpus protections from anyone that the president decides doesn't deserve them.

So, no. He gets no credit for being against torture. If he were against torture he wouldn't have allowed himself to be used like Dick Cheney's blow up doll in passing that piece of garbage.
