Dear Gail Collins

by tristero

[Update: I address the issues in this post in more detail here.]

Dear Gail Collins,

Given that Republican Mike Huckabee has an overabundance of utterly insane ideas, doesn't even believe in evolution, has no chance of being elected, and is a candidate who even you believe would make, and I'm quoting here, "a terrible president" -

Given all that, Ms. Collins, why on earth did you devote an entire column - one that runs on one of the most important op-ed pages in the world - to an upbeat portrait of a man who is such a sterling judge of character that he wrote a fan letter to a sex offender who then went on to rape another woman and then murder her?

Are you trying to outdo Maureen Dowd in sheer irresponsible inanity? Do you seriously think the US, after George W. Bush, can afford to waste time devoting attention to candidates whose only claim to the presidency is they can crack a joke you find funny?

Or are you intent on becoming the next David Brooks, a typist of such monumental stupidity that readers won't use his writing to line birdcages from fear the ASPCA might report them for pet abuse? Or is it, Ms. Collins that you're simply so utterly bereft of good ideas and commonsense that you don't know how to write something useful and intelligent about politics?

Nevermind. I answered my own questions. Have a good day.

