"I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed"

by digby

Sure, there were a few problems, and my main man turned out to be a criminal, but hey, he knew how to get things done, if you know what I mean:

Giuliani has accepted responsibility for his role in Kerik's embarrassing 2004 withdrawal as President Bush's Homeland Security nominee after revelation of tax problems. Ethics questions and corruption allegations also have swirled around Kerik. But the former New York mayor said the results of the commissioner's time in New York far outweigh isolated incidences.

"Bernie Kerik worked for me while I was mayor of New York City. There were mistakes made with Bernie Kerik. But what's the ultimate result for the people of New York City? The ultimate result for the people of New York City was a 74 percent reduction in shootings, a 60 percent reduction in crime, a correction program that went from being one of the worst in the country to one that was on '60 Minutes' as the best in the country, 90 percent reduction of violence in the jails."

"Sure, there were issues, but if I have the same degree of success and failure as president of the United States, this country will be in great shape," Giuliani said.

Hey, you wanna make an omelette, sometimes you gotta break a few eggs, you know?

I'm finding myself more and more obsessed with the Giuliani campaign because it really appears to me that the Republicans may just nominate someone dumber than Bush and crazier than Cheney. And without the morals of either of them. How is that even possible?

Imagine this man in charge of the FBI during what he calls "wartime."

In a way, Giuliani said, his own mistakes just show how experienced he is.

"When you do a lot of things, there are more things where you've made mistakes," he said. "Anybody running for president that hasn't made their share of mistakes is probably not ready to be president. The question is, in spite of the mistakes that you make, are most of your decisions correct?"

So you recommend a criminal to the most important law enforcement job in the country. It means you have the experience required to be president.

Update: And then there's this. It seems he was for universal health coverage for five minutes after he got cancer and then was against it when he went into remission. Nice guy. But then he's married to a saleswoman who once performed unnecessary surgery on live dogs to flog surgical instruments so what should I expect?
