Standing Up For His Service

by digby

...not his comment.

Think Progress has the moving moment of the debate posted at their site:

At tonight’s CNN Democratic debate, the candidates heard a strong warning against U.S. military action against Iran from Christopher Jackson, a Marine who served three tours of duty in Iraq:

I feel that if we continue on the path we’re at, that’s where we’re going to end up — in Iran. And that’s not what our troops need. Our troops need to come home now.

The entire audience, including the candidates, stood and gave Jackson a rousing ovation.

But that's not exactly right. The standing ovation came before he asked the question, in a spontaneous show of gratitude for his service. It was after that when he asked the question. All those Democrats in the place stood for him without knowing what he was going to say.

It's an important distinction, sadly. Limbaugh will undoubtedly be calling him a phony soldier first thing tomorrow for having the temerity to speak out against the war and the various screamers will be freaking out about the crazed Las Vegas hippies in that stadium, (just like the Wellstone funeral.)

Update: Apparently this post is unclear. I thought it was a nice thing that everyone stood for him based on his service, not that I thought there was anything wrong with it. It would have been fine with me if they'd stood for his statement as well.