Sticks and Stones

by digby

So, according to Dick Cheney, Democratic congressmen are all a bunch of pussy-whipped losers because they let that little bitch Nancy order them around:

I'm also somewhat surprised -- I look at the House -- there are members of the House I worked closely with over the years when I was Secretary of Defense who would ordinarily have been staunch advocates for this kind of legislation, who no longer are staunch advocates -- and I'm referring to my friend, Jack Murtha -- I think of all of them as friends of mine -- but Jack and other senior leaders who now all march to the tune of Nancy Pelosi, to an extent I had not seen, frankly, with any previous Speaker. And I'm surprised by that. I think of John Dingell and the energy business. This is a hot item right now. But I don't see John Dingell driving that train. It looks to me like Nancy Pelosi is driving that train. And that is -- well, it's surprising when I think of the -- I'm trying to think how to say all of this in a gentlemanly fashion -- but the Congress I served in, that wouldn't have happened. We would not have had a Speaker who, from my perspective, is that far out of the sort of mainstream -- she is a San Francisco Democrat, certainly entitled to her views, but able to dictate policy as effectively as she apparently does to the rest of the caucus.

Q Well, did any of those guys lose their spine? Is that what you're saying?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I was being very diplomatic in the way I phrased it. (Laughter.) They're not carrying the big stick I would have expected with the Democrats in the majority.

Hahahaha. That's funny stuff.

Hate to tell you Dick, but if that's what you think "carrying a big stick" is, then it explains a lot.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall with those Politico boys, laughing and chortling at Dick Cheney's hilarious bon mots. One can only imagine what a fun time was had by all, at least until Junior ran in the room and started snapping his towel at the pool boy.

(I wonder if any of them tinkled in the White House.)
