There's More Than The Big Show

by digby

Jane says, "raise your hand if you're sick of the presidentials" and offers up some positive political action we can all take:

Markos has announced an ambitious goal of 5,000 donors for Pera this week. Americablog is also joining in. We'll need about 2700 to get there. Blue America has 170 donors so far for Pera, and I think if we can get to 300 we can have some sort of "Pera Primary Party" on the blog. Dunno quite what that means, but suggestions gladly taken in the comments.

For those who have had a bellyfull of race and gender baiting, implausable denials and "Democrats for a day," here's your opportunity to do something positive.

It's also a really nice opportunity to stick it to the DC Dems, who seem dead set on shoving corporate cons like Al Wynn down our throats.

Remember -- a donation is a donation, so even $5 or $10 counts.

You can go "Pera Positive" here.

We are deep into ugly primary season and we can spend all of our time wringing our hands over things we can't control or we can do something politically positive. Send Pera five bucks and feel clean again.

And then have a long walk and a stiff shot of tequila.
