Charts 'N Graphs

by digby

So the Republicans are partying like its 1994 and have brought out one of their cute little charts to prove how horribly complicated the health reform plan is --- so complicated that poor Real Murkans will be all lost and confused if they are forced to try to figure it out.

Luckily for us, the health wonks at TNR anticipated this little gambit and helpfully designed a chart depicting the wonderful, simple health care system we already have:

(click to enlarge)

Seriously, this makes health care reform look like what it actually is --- streamlining the health care system, not complicating it. Indeed, it's hard to imagine how it could be any more complicated.

To be sure, most people get their health insurance through their employer, which is a relatively painless transaction (until you get sick) but all that's getting more complicated too with more deductibles, co-pays, hidden exclusions and the like. And if things don't change, fewer and fewer people will be covered that way. It's too expensive and cumbersome for many employers, especially in tough times. And if this job market continues, there will not be much incentive for employers to offer expensive benefits --- there are plenty of people willing to take jobs on almost any basis. Beggars can't be choosers.

It's pretty amazing that the Republicans are reduced to producing a pale imitation of their 1994 anti-reform campaign, but it's not surprising. It does, however, point out once more what a unique moment this is and why real reform simply has to pass. The Republicans are not going to be living this "Friends" re-run forever. At some point they will their act together (at least more than this pathetic showing.) And the economy is in such a state that many more people than usual are without or in fear of losing their health insurance. It's a rare harmonic convergence of opportunity that the country cannot afford to waste.
