Trigger Rigger

by digby

Via Steve Benen, I see that Olympia Snowe snowed us more than we realized we were being snowed:

Snowe's office sent Brian Beutler the complete quote from the prepared text:

"I believe that the reforms we are creating will result in more competitive, affordable and innovative options for Mainers, yet we can all agree that we must not leave universal access to chance. That is why I support a public plan which is available from day one -- in any state where private plans fail to ensure guaranteed affordable coverage." [emphasis added]

This, in other words, is the same position Snowe has maintained all along. A public option would get the job done, but she'd prefer to give private insurance companies yet another chance to achieve the same goals that a public plan would accomplish.

"Throughout the entire health care debate, Senator Snowe has emphasized that we must first, reform health insurance, and if plans then fail to offer affordable coverage, a public plan should then be offered from day one," Snowe's press secretary said.

I never thought Snowe was given to Bushian gibberish, but that's what that is.

Snowe is obviously for a trigger although she won't admit it. And that is unacceptable.
