Hello, My name Is Digby

by digby

... and I'm a blogoholic

Ben Alexander spent nearly every waking minute playing the video game "World of Warcraft." As a result, he flunked out of the University of Iowa.

Alexander, 19, needed help to break an addiction he calls as destructive as alcohol or drugs. He found it in this suburb of high-tech Seattle, where what claims to be the first residential treatment center for Internet addiction in the United States just opened its doors.

The center, called ReSTART, is somewhat ironically located near Redmond, headquarters of Microsoft and a world center of the computer industry. It opened in July and for $14,000 offers a 45-day program intended to help people wean themselves from pathological computer use, which can include obsessive use of video games, texting, Facebook, eBay, Twitter and any other time-killers brought courtesy of technology.

"We've been doing this for years on an outpatient basis," said Hilarie Cash, a therapist and executive director of the center. "Up until now, we had no place to send them."

Internet addiction is not recognized as a separate disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, and treatment is not generally covered by insurance. But there are many such treatment centers in China, South Korea and Taiwan -- where Internet addiction is taken very seriously -- and many psychiatric experts say it is clear that Internet addiction is real and harmful

But I'm a functioning blogoholic, does that count?

Good to know there's treatment available for those who are ruining their lives with obsessive behavior, but one wonders if all addictions are created equal? How many of you out there have considered that your time spent online is an "issue?" (I consider it a lifestyle, but then I'm probably in denial.)
