
by tristero

Shorter Norman Podhoretz:
I wrote my new book, Why Are Jews Liberal? because I can't understand why all Jews aren't as crazy as I am.
Shorter Leon Wieseltier (reviewing the book today on the highly prestigious front page of the New York Times Book Review):
This is a dreary book. [Wieseltier's exact words.]
Shorter Sam Tanenhaus, Editor Of The New York Times Book Review:
Think I'll give old Norm Podhoretz's new book a really great shout-out. Sure, there are hundreds of more deserving books this week, but he'll appreciate the publicity.
Shorter Political Ally Of Norman Podhoretz:
We should encourage all the rotten Jews to relocate to rightwing rural areas so they can be politically re-aligned.
The Moral Of The Story
Extreme rightwingers are adept at twisting stupid nonsense like NoPod's thesis into an opportunity to harm those they hate, then accuse the victims of forcing the right to "suggest" or "encourage" repressive measures for rehabilitation. They've done so before.

Not that they need much encouragement. Let's be clear: Jews, be they liberals, or even the badly deluded NoPod, have done nothing to inspire or trigger the ethnic cleansing proclivities of the right. These are people who jones hate; they seize on the flimsiest rationale to indulge.

The type of cheese you eat, or the way you like your coffee - remember the brie-eating, latte-sipping liberal? To the rightwingers that overrun networks like Fox and to whom even the most "mainstream" media defer, these trivialities are cast as moral issues, but really, they're just grade A primo excuses to express hate and rage.

And man oh man, do they ever hate liberal Jews.
Shorter tristero
I am goddammed sick of this subject but NoPod's stupid book keeps getting shoved in my face.