Gay Day

by digby

Pictures of today's March for Gay Rights on the mall today over at Aravosis' place. Just great stuff.

I think this one is the most poignant:

Oh and according to my back of the envelope calculations, 20 million gazillion people were there. Give or take. The liberal media just won't report it. As usual.

Update: Aravosis adds this depressing update:

NBC just did a piece about today's gay rights march in Washington. For the political context of the gay community's ire, NBC went to White House correspondent John Harwood. Harwood was asked if the White House was worried about "the left as a whole," and concerns they have that the White House isn't doing things that "the left" expected them to do. Harwood said the following:

Barack Obama is doing well with 90% or more of Democrats so the White House views this opposition as really part of the Internet left fringe.

Harwood then went on to say that the White House thinks that:

For a sign of how seriously the White House does or doesn't take this opposition, one adviser told me those bloggers need to take off the pajamas, get dressed, and realize that governing a closely divided country is complicated and difficult.

It's Goldilocks punditry: since the gasbags had to admit that the teabaggers are a bunch of loons, they also have to dismiss the LGBT community and "the left" as loons as well. That means the village is juuuuust right.

Also keep in mind that John Harwood is one of the biggest putzes in town.
