Teaching The Kids A Lesson

by digby

Following up on my post earlier today about the new "warning label" on the tasers, here's some rather disturbing news on the same subject:

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Board of Juvenile Affairs on Friday moved ahead with plans for legislation and rules to allow the use of pepper spray and Taser devices in secure facilities.


Rep. Wade Rousselot, D-Okay, said he intends to sponsor legislation that would allow OJA staff to use chemical spray and or Tasers to protect themselves and obtain control of juveniles in a facility.

"What you are looking at is an effort to address symptoms rather than root causes," said Jon Trzcinski, a former OJA employee who is now a consultant.

He urged the agency to look at what is causing the violence, which could involve the classification system, staffing levels or staff training.

In some cases, people go into cardiac arrest after being the target of a Taser gun, Trzcinski said, noting the agency could open itself to lawsuits with costly settlements.

"Tasers, in my opinion, have no place in a juvenile facility,"

No kidding.

But using electricity on prisoners has a long history and one on which the United States particularly distinguishes itself.
