We Are Living Among Crazy People

by tristero

Gallup’s survey of Republicans found that 71 percent would consider voting for [Huckabee for president], more than for Palin, Romney or others. The same survey found that he’s the only Republican whom even 50 percent of Americans say they think is qualified to be president.
I want you to think about this for a moment. You're in your local shopping mall, wherever you happen to be in this fair country of ours. And exactly 1/2 of the people walking your way are so completely unhinged from consensual reality that they think Michael Huckabee - Michael Huckabee! who let a convicted rapist go scot-free in order to win brownie points from his rightwing pals - is qualified to be president.

I wish I thought this was in any way, shape, or form, funny. Beneath that aw shucks, shit-kickin' exterior Huckabee affects is a seriously twisted and ignorant human being who isn't qualified to be appointed dog catcher. It is inexcusable that this country's media give this slimeball a free pass. What next, movie actors as president?

Oh, right, yeah, that happened... and we all know how that turned out.