Keeping Their Heads

by digby
I've been wondering whether or not the media hysteria surrounding the failed Undiebomber terrorist attempt was reflected by the public at large and, no surprise, it isn't:

Percentage of Americans who were “somewhat” or “very worried” that “you or someone in your family will become a victim of terrorism”…

…two months before the attempted Christmas bombing: 36%
…two weeks after the attempted Christmas bombing: 34%

Percentage of Americans who had a “great deal” or “a moderate amount” of confidence “in the Obama administration to protect U.S. citizens from future acts of terrorism”…

…four months before the attempted Christmas bombing: 63%
…two weeks after the attempted Christmas bombing: 65%

Source: CNN.
I thought this was probably an inside the beltway phenomenon driven by Republicans and the media, each  for their own reasons. I just don't think that the public is going to get up in arms about a failed terrorist attempt by some screwed-up loser kid at a time when they have real problems. I'm sure everyone expects the government to take it seriously and do everything in its power to correct the problems that led to this guy being able to get on an airplane with explosives in his pants. But as far as it having an effect on their confidence in the government or Obama's leadership on terrorism --- nah.  Most Americans are grown up enough to understand that there is no perfect safety.

Now, unemployment and the economy? That's another story ...
