Quote 'O The Morn

by digby

From DougJ at Balloon Juice, discussing David Broder's "review" of Sarah Palin:

It no longer matters whether or not a politician’s performance (I think that’s the right word here) has any connection with any kind of discernible reality. Movie-goers are pickier about the believability of movies than pundits are about the believability of politicians’ claims. You’re more likely to hear a movie-goer complain “there’s no way a school teacher could afford that penthouse” than to hear David Broder complain “there’s no way `we win, you lose’ can be a serious foreign policy”.

I hadn't thought of it quite that way before, but it's true. And it isn't just Broder. The entire Gasbag mafia spends all their time determining how "believable" politicians appear rather than whether one should believe them.
