A Stretch

A Stretch

by digby

Someone asked Howie Kurtz today about Ron Fournier's silly piece comparing Mitt Romney's lies at CPAC to a comment on Daily Kos:

Since you are discussing whether there is an equivalent liberal event for CPAC, I just want to note the following information: In Saturday's Washington Post, AP's Washington Bureau Chief Ron Fornier wrote an "analysis" where he noted that Mitt Romney lied at CPAC about the stimulus, Democratic health care proposals, tax policy, and treatment of terrorists. Fornier went on to say that Romney's lies are balanced out because an anonymous blogger at Daily Kos lied by called Dick Cheney a "war criminal" because Cheney admitted to signing off on waterboarding yet has not been convicted. If a journalist like Ron Fornier is saying that the words of CPAC speaker and Republican presidential hopeful are equal to the comments of an anonymous DKos blogger, then I believe that the liberal equivalent of the CPAC convention is me sitting here alone in my underwear and typing this message.

* –
February 22, 2010 12:39 PM
* Permalink

Howard Kurtz writes:

I thought Fournier's piece was good and that more journalists should aggressively fact-check what politicians of both parties say. But it's a stretch to partially "balance" the piece by comparing a speech by the former governor and presidential candidate to what one unnamed blogger said on the Kos site.

That's nice that he thinks so. Why do you suppose Fournier and the editors at the Washington Post don't?

And, again, why is it a lie that Dick Cheney confessed to ordering a war crime, when he did?
