

by digby

Atrios wonders the same thing I did this morning when I read that the unemployment numbers still suck hard:

I generally hate that kind of thinking, and certainly don't wish for things to get worse, but I do wonder just what level of job losses and unemployment might cause the powers that be to decide that maybe they should do something.

Probably it would take a stock market crash. That's the important thing

It's pretty clear to me that they think this will eventually iron itself out and that they don't need to do much of anything. ut some point Unemployment will start to come down, however slowly, and then just as it was with St Ronnie, it will be morning in America. It's faith-based. And it ignores the very real suffering and lost opportunities that a long period of unemployment or underemployment causes as well as vastly underestimating the political and social upheaval such long periods of economic stress can cause. They're playing with fire.
