The Enemy Of My Enemy
by digby
In case anyone's still laboring under the illusion that the "populist" teabaggers give a damn about reforming Wall Street (or direct even the tiniest bit of their famous anger at the wealthy) this should clear your head:
Tea Party Nation has enlisted members to bombard Corker (R-TN) with phone calls pleading with him "not to compromise" with the majority party. In an email obtained by TPMDC as a member of the group's mailing list, Tea Party Nation leaders give out Corker's six state office numbers and his Washington line.
The tea party group's facts aren't quite accurate, since Corker was one of the 41 Republican senators who signed a letter last week pledging to block the bill in its current form. But as we've been reporting on our Financial Reform Wire and in detail here, Corker and other GOPers are cooperating with Democrats.
Here's the illiterate missive:
Bailout Bob Corker, (RINO-TN) is at it again
The liberals have three major agendas they want passed this year. The first was health care, the second is financial overhaul and the third is cap and tax. While the liberals were able to take over 1/6 of the economy with healthcare, they are now trying to take over the remaining 5/6 with "financial reform" legislation.
This bill, written by Chris "Countrywide" Dodd, is a permanent bail out of the financial sector. It provides for advance funding for government take overs of banks.
Although Corker denies this, it is a permanent bailout.
Until now, all 41 Republican Senators had stood firm, providing a filibuster that the liberals could not break.
Now, that is changing. Corker has been signaling his willingness to work with Chris Dodd.
This bill does nothing for the American people. It will only allow the government to control even more of our economy.
Corker needs to hear from all of us, regardless of whether you live in Tennessee. Call his offices as soon as you can and tell him not to compromise with Chris Dodd, and not to support this "financial reform."
Send this email to your friends and encourage them to call Corker's offices.
The Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of fiscal evil are on the move again and Bailout Bob Corker is the one vote that could stop this.
Call him today!
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for them.
One more time, with feeling. They are not populists and they are not libertarians. They are what is known as the far right. And their organizing principle is hatred of liberalism (and those it serves) and government when it is in the hands of the Democratic Party. That's all there is to it.