Intimidation Probe

by digby

I think it's the dishonesty of these new forced pregnancy laws in Oklahoma that gets to me more than anything. These people are using the power of the state to shame and dissuade women from exercising their constitutional rights. These laws are clearly and obviously aimed at intimidating women out of having abortion. Even more insulting is the fact that they are using these infantilizing rationales to excuse it. I think I'd prefer it if they just call women whores than treat them like mentally deficient children. At least that gives them some agency:

One of the bills would force a woman to get an ultrasound at least one hour prior to an abortion and be shown the image and given a detailed explanation of it, even if she wishes otherwise. A vaginal probe would be used if it would provide a clearer image of the fetus, which no other state requires; three others do require ultrasounds, but none force the woman to listen to an explanation of it.

State Sen. Anthony Sykes (R-Moore), the bill's sponsor, said the measure was designed to provide women with additional information before having an abortion.

Other pieces of legislation also require clinics that perform abortions to post signs stating it's "against the law for anyone ... to force you to have an abortion," forbid state exchange program insurance from covering abortions and prevent wrongful life and wrongful birth lawsuits.

One last bill would require the woman to first answer a lengthy questionnaire and provide information such as her age, marital status, race, education and reason for seeking an abortion. The doctor would then report this information - without the patient's name attached, however - which would be compiled and put on a state web site and accessible only by certain government personnel.

The bill's sponsor has said this would provide valuable information on who seeks abortions and why, in addition to helping create programs aimed at preventing abortions. Opponents of the bill, however, argue that this represents an unconstitutional invasion of privacy.

I assume that many women will have to undergo these intrusive, dehumanizing procedures before any case gets to the supreme court, and then it's up for grabs as to whether or not the court will agree that infantilizing women is constitutional.

Meanwhile, a bunch of corrupt politicians will continue with their crude pandering on a bipartisan basis. Lots of common ground on this.

By the way, this vaginal probe is only necessary in the earliest stages in pregnancy when the embryo is so small and indistinct that you can't see it with a regular ultrasound. Now that they've forced women to compromise their health and families by banning necessary late term abortions, they're stepping up their intimidation tactics to the first trimester. It's insidious.
