

by digby

So they caught the Times Square bomber and they did it without invading any other countries or anything. As Niewert says, let's hear if for good old fashioned detective work.

But I do have to wonder just how lame the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists have become. This was about as amateurish as you could imagine and didn't even have the usual lethal suicidal element. You can be this sloppy if you don't worry about being caught. But to do a bad Tim McVeigh imitation and then expect to walk doesn't show the kind of serious commitment we've seen before.

Nonetheless, if the bomb had been better or if people hadn't been as alert it could have caused some serious mayhem. And strangely, you have to feel a little bit safer knowing that these people are reduced to recruiting these losers to try to commit such attacks. It may not always be true that they are such losers, but clearly people with any brains and ability are getting pretty hard to recruit.

I'm very glad he was caught in the US by civilian officials. That means they probably won't be able to torture him, at least to the extent they would have been if caught overseas, and they might actually get some useful intelligence. So, this is a very good show by the government I think and done without a lot of silly theatrics or subsequent fear and paranoia, which is very good. Causing fear and paranoia is what these people want after all.
