The Dog Whistles Are Getting Lower
by tristero
My God.
I can't improve on what Dave Neiwert says:It's really very simple: If Fox News continues to employ Glenn Beck after this, it will forever after be known as a TV network that employs an apologist and advocate for Nazism.
If so, it will have irrevocably proven itself to be not a news organization, but a propaganda organ for the worst kind of racial and ethnic hatred known to man. It's pretty close to that judgment now.
Now, Dave is both an expert on the right wing in the United States and a very cautious person. He is not someone who recklessly flings incendiary phrases at people. He now accuses Glenn Beck of being "an apologist and advocate for Nazism." All of us should take Dave's words very, very seriously.
That Beck has become so open about his sympathy for Nazis and their writings - and there's a lot more highly visible racism and creepiness around, eg, that Republican "fucking raghead" guy - can only mean that more and more of the mask is slipping from the face of American fascism. We can argue as to why that is so: Has the right become increasingly crazed and desperate since 2008? On the other hand, has it become supremely confident that it can and do just about anything - including torture and other violence - without fear of repercussion? Or, somehow, is it both? Whatever the reason, it is simply impossible to deny the increasingly open sympathy for Nazism and its ideological cousins among some of the most powerful members of the Republican party, and therefore, some of the most powerful people in the country.
In other words, the dog whistles are getting lower. We can hear them loud and clear. And that is very, very scary.
Special Note to our right wing readers and others with similarly severe cognitive deficits: Yes, I heard you. What Helen Thomas said was stupid, reprehensible, unforgivable, and crazy.
She is now history. Beck is not. The present subject is Beck and his Nazi sympathies. It is sheer cowardice on your part to try to deflect it.