Boehner: The cat's out of the bag. (No not that cat ...)

Cat Out of The Bag

by digby

John Boehner inadvertently gives away the Republican game plan:

Chris, we make it clear in there that we’re going to lay out a plan to work toward a balanced budget and deal with the entitlement crisis. Chris, it’s time for us as Americans to have an adult conversation with each other about the serious challenges our country faces. And we can’t have that serious conversation until we lay out the size of the problem. Once Americans understand how big the problem is, then we can begin to talk about potential solutions.


We're going to block any attempts to fix the economy and relentlessly fear monger until we can make the American people so desperate and so afraid that they will accede to any crackpot scheme we can devise to benefit our wealthy patrons. But we will give them plenty of scapegoats and lots of Jesus to make up for the destruction of the American dream.
