Objectively Pro-Taliban
by digby
There's been a lot of chatter this morning about Newtie's comments touting Dinesh D'Souza's absurd new book, The Roots of Obama's Rage
setting forth the idea that Obama inherited some sort of African Colonial philosophy from the father he never knew. (It's in the blood dontcha know.) I know this has absolutely nothing to do with race on Newtie's part because racism in America is dead and Republicans would never try to exploit it anyway, certainly not by promoting the idea that that Obama is a primitive angry black man. He's just being his usual "intellectual" self, giving us all (poison) food for thought, sort of like when he blamed liberals for Susan Smith drowning her children.
D'Souza's book will appeal to all those who are dying to explain their visceral loathing of Obama's blackness on something other than racism (which they just know has nothing to do with them because if they were racist they'd hate all black people instead of only the "bad" ones.) But D'Souza's agenda is actually much more interesting than that. He's the author of the book The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11
described by Booklist this way:
D'Souza once again turns his eye for social criticism to liberals, this time asserting their responsibility for the rise of anti-Americanism abroad and perhaps even the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The cultural Left in the U.S., by pressing for sexual freedom for women and gays through birth control, no-fault divorce, and support for gay marriage, has not only undermined American culture but also provoked the ire of religious conservatives in other nations, most prominently Islamic fundamentalists. Contrary to President Bush's assertions that terrorists and their supporters hate American freedom, D'Souza asserts that what they really hate is our licentious culture. He notes that American conservatives have more in common with Islamic Fundamentalists than with American liberals.
Oh my. He's also recently been named the president of The King's College, a Christian school dedicated to training students to carry forth the "biblical worldview":
The college, a subsidiary of Campus Crusade for Christ,[11] claims the “Protestant evangelical tradition” as its own. It "seeks ambitious students who want to make a difference in the world," and who "seek a rigorous undergraduate education that is rooted in the Christian liberal arts tradition" in order to educate them for "principled leadership." "Through its commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview," the TKC mission statement reads, "The King’s College seeks to transform society by preparing students for careers in which they help to shape and eventually to lead strategic public and private institutions, and by supporting faculty members as they directly engage culture through writing and speaking publicly on critical issues."
Not that there's any reason to worry about far right Christian extremists and their vastly wealthy funders gaining power in America. It's rude to even contemplate it as a serious problem. Still, it's interesting to see what some of them believe if only out of curiosity.