Meet your new teabag majority

Meet Your New Majority

by digby

Howie catches up with Blue America candidate Billy Kennedy today (the day our ads start running against his looney toons opponent, Virginia Fox) to ask him to tell his readers what the main difference is between them. Billy mentions that he would end the Bush tax cuts for the rich among other things. But the fundamental difference, aside from those on virtually every policy on either party's agenda, is the fact that Billy Kennedy is sane while Virginia Fox is ... not. Here's the ad:

This is just an embarrassment for all Americans. Seriously, this woman has no business being in any position to affect the lives of others.

Howie says:

There are several ways you can help Billy beat Foxx today. You can donate to the Blue America ad campaign our PAC is running against Foxx as of today. The other would be to donate directly to Billy's campaign here.

Here are some of Fox's recent hits:
