The Panther Has Been Teased
by digby
If you haven't been following Deeky's review of Glenn Beck's Overton Window at Shakesville, it's probably because you have a slightly delicate stomach. It's not easy to even read the excerpts. But today, he finally got to the "good part." You know the one. Just for fun:
The faded jersey was much too big, of course, and she'd gathered the slack and tied it up, leaving a spellbinding glimpse of a taut, smooth waist above the northern border of a lucky pair of his own navy boxers.
Her hair was down, towel-dry and glistening, dark and curly and caressing her shoulders as she walked.
"I thought you were going to sleep in the other room."
"Do you mind?"
"No, not a bit. It's just like that time my aunt Beth took me to the candy store and then wouldn't let me eat anything. I didn't mind that, either."
"I'll go if you want."
"No, stay, stay. I'm kidding. Kind of. Just try not to do anything sexy."
She ran her hands through her hair and stretched again, wriggled herself under the covers, and rolled onto her side with one arm across him, the long, cool silkiness of her bare legs against his skin.
"Now see?" Noah said. "That's what I just asked you not to do."
"I'm only getting comfortable." Her voice was already sleepy, and she shivered a bit. "My feet are cold."
"Suit yourself, lady. I'm telling you right now, you made the rules, but you're playing with fire here. I've got some rules, too, and rule number one is, don't tease the panther."
Hoo baby. Move over Aynie, there's a new sizzling hot wingnut in the manly control freak hero school of selfish fiction.(you see, his strict words were enough to keep horny the little temptress under control. But just barely. She wanted him baaad.)
Beck is currently "out west" having some "tests" to see whether Walter Lippman poisoned him from the grave. But let's hope he's working on the sequel to this thing. Or at least the animated version.