Planning The Impeachment

Planning The Impeachment

by digby

Talking Points Memo has a copy of a flyer put together by a group headed by Christian Reconstructionist Howard Phillips which lays out the case for Obama's impeachment:

"This might be our last chance to save freedom in America."

That's the message a piece of direct mail sent out by the National Campaign for an Impeachment Inquiry, a project of The Conservative Caucus, which is calling -- as their name would suggest -- for the impeachment of President Barack Obama...

The flyer, obtained by TPMMuckraker, includes a "national ballot of 5,000,000 registered voters" on "Whether Congress Should Launch An Impeachment Inquiry Into President Barack Hussein Obama's Assault On Our Constitution."

"The purpose of this survey of 5,000,000 registered voters is to show pro-freedom, pro-Constitutional members of Congress that there is broad public support for the new Congress to conduct a full Inquiry into whether President Barack Hussein Obama has kept his oath of office to faithfully 'protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America'," the flyer reads. Cited in the survey are Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano and Sen. Jim DeMint.

You can read the flyer here.

This isn't the first salvo in this. If you read this blog regularly, you'll recall that my wingnut email chain sent me a while back had a long list of potentially impeachable offenses. Considering who we will be dealing with the House, I think this is the one they'll go with:
Suggestions from Obama's own Federal Election Commission documentation that he got at least $33.8 million for his campaign from disallowed foreign contributions, including 520 contributions from interests in Iran as well as $30,000 from the Hamas-controlled Gaza area.

After all the pooh-poohing of the Republican foreign contributions story, I fully expect that the beltway press will suddenly realize just how dangerous foreign contributions are and help the Republicans do a full investigation.
