Rally Report

Rally Report

by digby

The Rally for Sanity and/or Fear was by all accounts a fun party and it certainly looked like it on the TV. I thought it was well done --- ironic and satirical, well calibrated to speak subtly to the audience that was gathered. They did an unfortunately clumsy bit at the end which indicated both sides were equally bad and Jon gave a very uninspiring speech about how both sides need to calm down. (Of course the only ones who will hear it are liberals, but whatever ...) All in all it appeared to be a nice gathering of the tribe.

The signs were awesome.

*If you can't read the small print it says "it was his best, in my opinion."

(I prefer this message myself, but that's just me. Full segment here)

This is a little bit odd though:

That picture, of course, is of the Beck rally. But hey, what's the difference, right?

Here's the real rally:

As for me, I'm looking forward to the Giants win tonight.

Update: Well ...

Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC)
10/30/10 3:21 PM
The fact that Stewart is a progressive makes his comments about left wing rage all the more important. His words carry weight on the left.
