Wingnut Synergy
by digby
From Kyle at Right Wing Watch, I find out that "journalist" and frequent CNN and Sunday morning roundtable guest David Brody of the Crhsitian broadcast network has an message for his audience:
When it comes to politics, I'm not a big fan of CW (conventional wisdom). After all, Hillary Clinton—not Barack Obama—would be President today if CW ruled. Joe Biden would have cleaned Sarah Palin's clock in the 2008 vice presidential debate if CW had held true. It didn't.
Now comes word from the CW experts, better known as the mainstream media, that Christians and the tea party just don't go together.
Their reasoning goes like this: The tea party movement cares only about fiscal issues, so Christians should take their social issues and go play somewhere else. News flash for the CW crowd: Wrong again. Strike three. You're out.
The tea party movement is the perfect place for Christians to lobby for biblical values and priorities, and many Christians seem to know that.
I have traveled across this great land and flocked to tea party events and rallies. Who do I see showing up? Conservative, Bible-believing Christians. A seat at the table is reserved for this key voting constituency because, as strategist and leading evangelical Ralph Reed tells me, "If you protect marriage and you protect life, but the federal government is destroying our future through a $20 trillion debt, that threatens our future just as much as moral decay does."
Start marching to a tea party near you. There's a seat waiting.
Let's not kid ourselves any more about this, ok? This is just Conservative Movement 2.0. And this time they've let loose the Birchers and the racists.