Tea Party Stalker

Tea Bag Stalker

by digby

I am so grateful that I'm not out in the dating world if this is what you have to deal with:

State Rep. Tom Hackbarth was stopped by police earlier this month in the Planned Parenthood parking lot in Highland Park after he was spotted with gun near his waistband, according to a story in the Star Tribune.

Hackbarth, R-Cedar, was stopped by police on Nov. 16 after a security guard noticed his gun. Hackbarth was in the Planned Parenthood lot after hours. Police ordered him out of his car at gunpoint, handcuffed him and questioned him before taking his gun.

Hackbarth, who has a conceal and carry permit, told the Star Tribune that he is not familiar with the Highland Park area and he didn’t know he was at Planned Parenthood when he pulled into the empty lot.

“I didn’t even know it was Planned Parenthood,” he said. “I fully understand why they were upset.”

Hackbarth said he was in Highland Park to look for a woman he met online.

From the Star Tribune:

“Hackbarth said he had coffee with the woman on Nov. 15, and asked her to dinner the next night but she told him she couldn’t because of a commitment she had with a female friend in Highland Park. Hackbarth said he felt that she might have been seeing a man instead, so he parked his car and walked around the block looking for her car.”

“I was not a jealous boyfriend,” said Hackbarth, who is in the process of divorcing his wife of 25 years. “I was just trying to check up on her. It’s totally a misunderstanding.”

So he's a right wing zealot who's stalking a woman he's just met with a loaded gun and lands in a Planned Parenthood parking lot? Sounds right.

Here's a helpful hint for those of you doing computer dating: filter for Republican politicians. It could save you all kinds of problems.
