Dispatches from the war on Christmas

Dispatches from The war On Christmas

by digby

Embedded reporters at Talking Points Memo filed an in-depth report from the front lines of the War on Christmas. It's a harrowing tale of horrible "holiday" skirmishes and battles throughout the land. Some of the war stories are well known, others not so much. I hadn't heard about this one, for instance:

The First Lady's Stealth Campaign

Former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), who ran for governor this year, told TPM in September that his distrust of the Obamas comes from "little things:"

"I remember a little thing, like Ms. Obama saying she didn't want any Christian artifacts in the White House during Christmas time," Tancredo said. Another problem, Tancredo said, is "hosting Ramadan events there."

Well, I suppose since she and the President are both Muslim terrorists, this makes perfect sense.

It must have been Tancredo's heroic charge that made the difference because it seems that Michelle Obama has backed down:

The Obamas did host an iftar, a Ramadan dinner, at the White House. First Lady Michelle Obama also decorated the residence with 19 Christmas trees, a 350-pound gingerbread house and thousands of Christmas decorations, many made with reusable materials to fit with the theme, "Simple Gifts."

God bless Tiny Tom. And God bless the United States of Christmas.

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