Juan Williams says that people are unemployed because they stink

It Burns, it burns so hot

by digby

Juan Williams was bad before but he's gone full bore bagger now. It's just staggering that someone can parrot a sound bite like this without a care in the world that they sound like utter fools: Via TPM

Wow, the 40 million people who've benefited from extended unemployment over the past two years would probably be surprised to find out that their problems were caused by laziness and a lack of personal hygiene. Apparently, however, being completely destitute and without hope will motivate them to take a shower.

Yes ok, long term benefits in an economy that has lots of jobs may give some people an incentive not to get one. But Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, how stupid do you have to be to not understand that there are no fucking jobs for all these allegedly lazy parasites to get. Unless they truly believe that the long term unemployed should stop getting checks so that they can get on with their life of crime and prostitution, I honestly don't know what they think these people are supposed to do.
