The agenda --- a tight knit group of Senators and White House negotiators will fix everything

The Agenda

by digby

The rumors keep on rolling:

The White House and a bipartisan group of senators are focusing on restructuring the tax code and entitlement programs such as Social Security, which could have more dramatic impacts on the deficit in the long run but would do little in the short term. White House officials say Republican calls for $100 billion in spending cuts this year would choke off the economic recovery while doing little in the long run to tame the deficit. "The American people say, don't touch Social Security, don't touch Medicare, don't cut defense. That's 84% of the federal budget," Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D., N.D.). who is retiring when his term ends in 2012, said Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "If you can't touch 84% of the federal're down to 16% of the budget at a time we're borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend."

If this is true --- which is unknown at this point --- in order to appease teabagging nihilists who want to end all programs (that help people)and petulant Masters of the Universe who want to abolish taxes (for rich people), the White house and small bipartisan group of millionaire politicians are seeking ways to destroy the Democratic Party and dismantle vital pieces of the safety net. Sounds awesome.

Then there's this, about the SOTU:

The president will try to keep the deficit conversation in broad terms, fearing that detailed proposals would put Republicans, Democrats and Washington interest groups into a defensive crouch before real negotiations can take place, according to those officials. White House officials, for instance, have assured Democratic lawmakers that the president will not explicitly call for cuts in Social Security benefits, though he will say changes are needed to put the program on a solid fiscal footing.

At the same time, Mr. Obama will call on both parties to be prepared to put everything on the table. That means Democrats have to be ready to look at changes to Social Security, and Republicans to consider tax-code changes to increase revenue.

Good to know. Why they leaked their real intentions is unknown, but whatever.

Meanwhile, in other news, the Republicans are taking credit for the latest cautiously upbeat economic news.

Steve Benen writes:
Time will tell whether this optimism is warranted; we can all certainly hope that it is. The recovery is clearly fragile, but there are signs that point to more robust growth.

And that seems to make Republicans a little nervous.

It took less than three weeks for the new Republican Congressional leadership to claim credit for an apparent economic upturn.

An aide to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Brian Patrick, emailed reporters this morning:

THERE ARE THE JOBS: Republicans Prevent Massive Tax Increase, Economy Begins to Improve....

Even by the standards of the most shameless hack, this is farcical. Worse, it's part of a growing pattern.

Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), for example, argued two weeks ago, for example, that the recent good news -- private-sector job growth, big corporate profits, major gains in the major Wall Street indexes -- that occurred throughout 2010 were the result of Republican tax policies. As Kyl sees it, business leaders in early 2010 predicted the tax policy agreement crafted in late 2010, and started growing the economy based on their future-predicting abilities.

Read on for more examples.

Here's the thing. Yes, it's absurd and ridiculous considering the fact that they tried to obstruct every program that might have helped the economy over the past two years. And the fact that their sick economic policies helped create the disaster in the first place makes it especially galling. But let's face facts. When the administration touted their lame duck Bipartisan "tax deal" as being a great boost to the economy they validated this line.

When you adopt the economic policies of your rivals for political gain, you have to accept that they're going to reap the political gain as well. And this one was big. Tax cuts uber alles. Considering the 35 years the GOP spent hammering that point home, I'd expect that they will reap most of the reward. It will take a while before Americans fully understand that the Democratic party has adopted the GOP's economic philosophy as well.

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those weeks ...