Holy Joe is an ass Part XXVII

Holy Joe is an ass Part XXVII

by digby

Steve Benen:
As part of the same MSNBC segment, Arianna Huffington asked Lieberman to substantiate his claim about Saddam Hussein was working on weapons of mass destruction, a claim even George W. Bush abandoned. The senator replied, "I'm basing it on the so-called Duelfer Report. Charles D-U-E-L-F-E-R conducted the most comprehensive report on behalf of our government."

When Huffington said there's nothing in the Duelfer Report to bolster Lieberman's conclusions, the senator replied, "I don't think you've read it, sweetheart.

He's an ass for spelling out the name and he's a sexist ass for calling her sweetheart. But he's a super-ass for assuming that she hadn't read the report when he's the one who obviously hadn't read it.

It's not just that he's an arrogant prick. It's that he's completely wrong. As Benen says:
Charles Duelfer found that Iraq did not possess -- or have concrete plans to develop -- nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

It's the same thing David Kay concluded, which is the same thing that the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded, which is the same thing the Pentagon concluded. The case is closed, and has been for many years.

All day long I'm hearing about the fact that the liberals ruined everything for poor old Joe and now he can't win in Connecticut. Really? The fact that he spent 2008 running around the country as John McCain's houseboy is meaningless?

Good riddance. I'm sure he'll find a nice sinecure somewhere. Let's just hope it isn't in Obama's cabinet.
