Pulp Faction

Pulp Faction

by digby

Not that it will change their view --- or that of the Villager's --- that they speak for Real Americans everywhere, but the Tea Party isn't very popular:

52 percent of Americans now hold unfavorable views of the tea party, a new high. Nearly three-quarters of Democrats – including as many moderate and conservative as liberal members of the party – have negative views of the political movement, as do half of all independents.

But as Blue Texan points out, they have never been all that popular. He also points out that they are as popular as Saudi Arabia, so that's something:
Kinda figures. Both love to drill for oil, hate gays, and believe in theocracy.

Just because they are unpopular doesn't mean they aren't important, however. The billionaires and the right wing media empire have created a powerful faction within one of the two American political parties and it will be very interesting to see how they use it over the next two years.
