Behold the failed prophets

Behold the failed prophets

by digby

Everyone had quite a laugh about the prediction of the Rapture over the week-end. Oh those silly, silly people believing that the world will come to an end based upon the prophesy of some silly, silly man.

Thank goodness we have Very Serious People in charge of running the world rather than silly people like that or who knows what crazy things they might say?

August 28, 1996

CHICAGO - Sen. Bob Kerrey smells an odor coming from the Republican and Democratic stands on entitlements.

"It's one of the cruelest things we do, when we say, Republicans or Democrats, `Oh, we can wait and reform Social Security later,' " the Nebraska Democrat said.

Mr. Kerrey says that without reform, entitlements will claim 100 percent of the Treasury in 2012.

"This is not caused by liberals, not caused by conservatives, but by a simple demographic fact," Mr. Kerrey warned at a meeting of the Democratic Leadership Council.

"We [will have] converted the federal government into an ATM machine."

By the way. Camper, the Rapture prophet, emerged today --- with yet another date for Armageddon. They always do.

h/t to ms


Speaking of false prophets, here's another blast from the past. It's a memo from the DLC on the losses of the congress in 1994. This selection stands out:

If you have time you should read the whole thing. Plus ca change and all that rot.