Jefferson Doesn't Count

Jefferson Doesn't Count

by digby

Am I really supposed to be respectful of people who believe drivel like this?
Are U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal natural-born citizens of the United States, and thus eligible for the presidency?

It's a simple question, but the answer may not be so easy.

While the Constitution does not define "natural-born citizen," there is strong evidence that the Founding Fathers understood it to mean someone born of two American citizens.

Really? Was Thomas Jefferson, the author of the declaration of Independence and America's third President a founder. I think he was.

This is from the Monticello cemetery:

Here's what it says if you can't read it:

Jane Randolph
Wife of Peter Jefferson
Mother of Thomas Jefferson
Born in London
Died at Monticello

Here's her story.

Of course, it's possible that David Barton or other right wing pseudo-historians forgot to tell them that if there was one country of origin which might have given them some pause in terms of loyalty it was England, so they think there was some sort of British exception to the rule.

On the other hand, Jefferson did plant the seeds for the Democratic Party so they may actually believe he was an illegitimate president. Aren't they all?
