Yes, it is possible:

Every once in a while an academic will write me a note and ask me to participate in a project. Often it's a paper of some sort or a thesis. A couple of years ago a professor at City University of New York Brooklyn College named Tanni Haas asked me to participate in a book project. Lo and behold here it is:
Making it in the Political Blogosphere: The World's Top Political Bloggers Share the Secrets to Success 
It turned out to be a fascinating book featuring many smarter and more successful bloggers than I. But surprisingly, no matter where we stand on the political spectrum, we all seem to have similar views of what it takes to be a blogger. (Hint: write a lot.)
I enjoyed the book and I'd recommend to anyone who is interested in this modern form of interactive pamphleteering. Even after doing it for eight long years I found I still had things to learn.