Macho Dollies
by digby
I assume most of you remember this:

I wrote quite a bit about it during the Bush years, usually tying it to Republicans' anxious masculinity.
I have been reading a fascinating book called "The Wimp Factor
" by Stephen J Doucat that thoroughly examines the strange phenomenon of anxious Republican masculinity and the way it's informing our politics. I will be writing more about it over time, but I just wanted to make note of one little thing that I didn't know and I doubt that you all knew either:
By far the most compelling confirmation of the phallic meaning of the president's aircraft-carrier cakewalk was found on the hot-selling "George W. Bush Top Gun action figure" manufactured by Talking Presidents. I originally ordered one to use as part of the cover design for this book. The studly twelve-inch flyboy not only comes with a helmet and visor, goggles and oxygen mask, but underneath his flight suit is a full "basket" --- a genuine fake penis, apparently constructed with lifelike silicone.
I'll just let that percolate in your mind for a bit.
Well, never let it be said that
the Democrats don't measure up:
At this writing, only one of the limited edition has been sold, so it doesn't look to be the big seller that the Bush dolls were. At least not yet. Unfortunately, the "message," such as it is, is all too popular.
I'm reevaluating my thesis that this is about anxious masculinity. It's about infantalism.