On Breitbart by @DavidOAtkins

On Breitbart

by David Atkins

The comments here and the online world are abuzz with the passing of Andrew Breitbart, so I figured I should break the silence.

The Romans had a good saying for these situations: De mortuis nil nisi bonum. "Of the dead, [say] nothing but good." It works better for me than the typical English "Speak no ill of the dead," as it emphasizes the idea that when dealing with the passing of a person about whom one would say nothing good in life, saying nothing is a perfect alternative.

So of Andrew Breitbart, I will say nothing.

Of his family, I will say that I wish them deep and heartfelt condolences. I know as well as anyone that one can have close family whose views and personality one finds abhorrent, but their absence and passing are felt no less painfully for it.
