Red scare: Billionaire Bloomy worries about the minimum wage

Red scare

by digby

I guess the socialism boogeyman just wasn't scary enough:

Mayor Bloomberg Friday said the proposed Living Wage Bill City Council Speaker Christine Quinn backs amounts to communism — and vowed it will bring on a legal battle if passed.

Our Tina Moore reports:

“The last time we really had a big managed economy was the USSR, and that didn’t work out so well,” the mayor said during his regular appearance on the John Gambling Show on WOR Radio.

The measure would boost pay to $11.50 an hour, or $10 with benefits, for workers at companies that receive $1 million or more in city subsidies. The state minimum wage is $7.25.

A vote is possible as early as next week, and while Bloomy has vowed a veto, Quinn has enough votes to override.

Tenants who move into the developers buildings would not have to pay the higher wages.

Yes, raising the minimum wage is exactly the same as communism. Except for all the private industry and personal wealth and what not.
