Fairnbalanced and unafraid --- to shamelessly shill for Mitt Romney

Fairnbalanced and unafraid --- to shamelessly shill for Mitt Romney

by digby

Take a look at the new Mitt Romney ad:

Oh wait. The "I approved this message" is missing, isn't it? That's because it's a Fox News clip, not a Romney ad:

It was a segment produced by a show on a network that bills itself as "fair and balanced." The network has continued to push the limits of its outright promotion of conservative politicians and policies, and Fox & Friends has been at the forefront. The show regularly acts as the communications arm of the GOP, attacking Democrats, promoting Republicans, and broadcasting GOP talking points, sometimes word for word. Co-host Gretchen Carlson has repeatedly advised GOP candidates how to promote their ideas in order to defeat their Democrat opponents...

On the morning after Mitt Romney clinched enough delegates to officially claim the Republican presidential nomination, Fox has launched its first anti-Obama attack ad of the presidential campaign.