For your entertainment pleasure
by digby
Blue America PAC
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release (Wednesday, May 2, 2012)
Blue America was pleased to see the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee put up this billboard in Paul Ryan's Wisconsin district. He is the architect of the Republican plan to destroy Medicare and Social Security and his constituents deserve to know this before they vote in November.
Unfortunately, they seem to have inadvertently left something off that billboard. They forgot to add the name of the Democrat who is running a very vigorous race to unseat Paul Ryan, Kenosha County Supervisor Rob Zerban. We knew this had to be a mistake because the Democratic Party surely wouldn't purposefully spend money to educate voters about their GOP congressman without also telling them that there is an excellent Democrat running against him. That wouldn't make any sense at all.
Blue America treasurer Howie Klein said, "We felt it was our duty to step in and help the DCCC out by fixing their billboard for them. And we thought it would be especially fitting to put it up at the "Ryan Road Exit" on the area's major thoroughfare, I-94. There's no need for the DCCC to thank us. We're all in this together ."
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