Gingrich's real heir? Paul Ryan

Gingrich's real heir? Paul Ryan

by diogby

Can we all see what's wrong with this picture? Take a good look at that screen shot. Click on it to enlarge if you have to. I'll wait.

“The President and his party’s leaders are repeating Europe’s mistakes by calling for job-crushing tax increases, making empty promises to citizens, and ensuring harsh disruptions for beneficiaries of government programs. Time and again, their approach to budgeting has been the very definition of European-style austerity. House Republicans reject this shrunken vision of our future. Instead of broken promises and shared pain, we must advance pro-growth reforms that make good on America’s promise and put the country on a path to prosperity."

I realize that Paul Ryan is a very serious fellow who should not be confused with your standard issue, right wing propagandist, but how are we supposed to interpret that outright Big Lie? Is he an idiot who has no clue what European Austerity is or is he a slimy political operative who is trying to further confuse his followers into thinking that up is down and black is white?

I've never thought he was an idiot. I realize he's supposed to be the second coming of St Ronnie, but Ronnie never passed himself off as a policy wonk. This is more in the vein of Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, the propaganda wonks of the modern conservative movement. They're all hardcore ideologues posing as intellectuals. It's long past time that the Villagers put him in the category with them where he belongs. I suspect it will clarify their thinking once they do it.
