Words to remember --- by tristero

Words To Remember

by tristero

From the NY Times:
By Saturday, John Yoo, a former Bush administration lawyer, was suggesting in The Wall Street Journal that there had been a catastrophic vetting failure in 2005 when the administration was considering Chief Justice Roberts’s nomination.

“If a Republican is elected president,” said Professor Yoo, who teaches law at the University of California, Berkeley, “he will have to be more careful than the last.”
Let's remember that the next time some Republican con artist starts piously bleating about how Obama should make "ideologically neutral" judicial appointments.

Incidentally, Yoo, as always, is a criminally incompetent thinker. Again, from Adam Liptak's Times article:
"The right is declaring defeat in the short term, and the left is declaring defeat in the long term,” said Pamela S. Karlan, a law professor at Stanford. She said parts of Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion in the health care case had laid the groundwork for legal doctrines that could roll back liberal programs.
Exactly, through his ruling, Roberts handed the far right gift-wrapped dynamite with which to demolish the New Deal. And he knows it, even if his less cunning or intelligent pals don't realize it yet.
